Our word salary comes from the Latin salarium which was a Roman Legionary's allowance to buy salt. In fact the word soldier comes from sal dare which means "give salt." And that gives us the expression "being worth one's salt." Our salt is $60 per pound. Larger packages mean a little less effort to pack and I will pass that on. But good salt is expensive. It should be. Just like it's possible to buy a hamburger for $1, but the $8 hamburger is generally a better experience and probably easier to digest! I think once you try Marblehead Salt you will not only enjoy it more, you'll enjoy consuming less salt but of a much higher quality. In essence you'll say, Marblehead Salt is worth its salt.
Salt Cellar with Marblehead Salt Glaze
Salt Cellar with Marblehead Salt Glaze
The best way to use finishing salt is to grab a pinch with your thumb, index and middle fingers from a small dish called a salt cellar. We went ahead and partnered with a local potter to design and make these for our table, and after many requests, we are thrilled to offer them for your table. The brown cellars reminds us of the venerable rocks we navigate as we harvest Marblehead Salt and the deep blue draws us in just like the slow waves at dawn down past Misery Island. Right now only brown cellars are available, but email us if you'd like a blue one and we can put one aside for you when the next shipment comes in. They're made by hand so are all a little different.